Stuck is …

I was given this when taking the Royal Roads Masters Certificate in Executive Coaching a few years ago.  Sometime we know something isn’t quite right but are not sure what.  I found this “Stuck is…” article to be a very helpful first step towards being aware.  We can be stuck and not even know it.  See you if have a life story that fits one or more of the statements below.

Stuck is when you see what needs to done – but you make another choice.
Stuck is when you make a start – and then don’t follow through on what needs to be done.

Stuck is when you’re doing what you’re told to do and not what needs to be done.
Stuck is when you things aren’t working and you can’t step back far.

Stuck is when you only see one way forward – and it’s not the route you want to take.
Stuck is when you have many options and the thought of choosing one paralyzes you.

Stuck is when you know what to do and can’t see how to do it.
Stuck is when you don’t know what to do and can’t quit define the problem.

Stuck is when you’ve got big dreams and you’re too afraid to chase them.
Stuck is when you don’t have big dreams and you feel empty.

Stuck is when you are doing it all on your own – and it’s wearing you out.
Stuck is when you’re waiting to be rescued – and you’re super hero isn’t showing up.

Stuck is when you’re running flat out  – and you know you’re in the wrong race.
Stuck is when you’ve secretly given up – and you’re still in the race.

Author:  Unknown

Questions are one way to free yourself from being stuck.  Try the following 5 questions:

1.  What direction would you take if the only route you see is not actually available?

2.  What route would you take if there was nobody standing in your way?

3.  What does your head say to do?

4.  What does your gut say?

5.  What does your heart say?

Final question is:  If you were to put your head, heart and gut together, what do they tell you.

We often look to the outside world; friends, family members, colleagues etc… for answers that are only inside of ourselves.  Contact Nicola at [email protected] If you would like to experience a free 30 minute coaching session to move forward.